Izawa Technol Laboratory CO., LTD, in Utsunomiya-city, Tochigi-prefecture, pursues the finest quality in its production of carbide hob cutters, carbide formed cutters and industrial fastener tools and more.


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The Hob Cutter, is the tool used in the creation of the parts used at the foundation of machinery, the making of gears. In the past, the material for Hob Cutters was mainly composed using high-speed steel. We produced hob cutter using carbide material, and commercialized it in 1962. Japanese manufacturing technology is considered to be of the highest standard worldwide. The reason why Japan was successful in attaining this standard, was due to the development in precision technology during the economic growth period. The manufacturers focused on the improvement of the accuracy and control technology aspects of all of the machine components, including that of gears. The Micron Hob Cutter, one of our main products, assisted greatly in the dramatic improvement of the precision of the gears used in the small motors for measuring instruments, medical equipment, and high precision equipment from various fields. In order to continue to become a company that is “needed” by all, in the current market, and the future world markets, we will work sincerely with each and every customer, and devote ourselves to provide products with heartfelt appreciation for each and every product that we can assist with. We will continue to actively develop products with the aim of becoming a company that can contribute to manufacturing worldwide, along with our clients.

Since our company was founded, we have been manufacturing carbide cutting tools, and have earned high praise for our grinding technology and experience. In addition to designing and manufacturing tooth profile design of no-generating hobs and special hobs, we have prepared a production system which can meet both small quantity and large variety requirements, and we can even accept single piece orders.

In addition to the hob cutter, we also have great experience in applying our grinding technology in other tools. The carbide formed cutter, is one such tool. Like the hob cutter, we can produce them order made, and can be manufactured with straight lines, curves or with complex tooth profiles.


Please feel free to contact us for quotations, inquiries etc.

Phone:028-665-1087 Phone:028-665-1087


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